Business Idea: Quit your job and start this business today! There will be profit of more than 15 lakhs, the government will also help

 Business Idea: If you also want to try your hand in business, then today we have brought a great idea for you. In this, you can earn good profits by doing little expenditure and hard work. Actually, if you want to try your hand in farming, then one such business idea is ginger cultivation. In this, you will get tremendous profit and there will be help from the government as well. There is no chance of profit in it.

 There is more profit in the business than in the job. That’s why nowadays people are moving towards business. The government is also helping a lot to start a business. If you also want to do farming business and also expect tremendous profits, then today we have brought tremendous ideas for you. This business is of ginger cultivation.

 If you want to do strong profitable business, then with the help of the government, you can cultivate ginger. Ginger is used in every household. Ginger is used in making tea to vegetables or any other dish. Ginger is used a lot in cold. So let’s know how you start ginger cultivation

 To cultivate ginger, the tubers of its previous crop are used. By breaking the claws of ginger in this way, it is sown in pieces with two to three shoots. It can be done alone or with papaya and other trees. 12 to 15 tubers are required for sowing in one hectare. In intercropping crops, the amount of seed is less.

 There is a special way of cultivation of ginger. While sowing ginger, row to row distance should be kept 30 to 40 cm and plant to plant distance 20 to 25 cm. So that it can grow properly. Apart from this, it is necessary to cover the middle tubers with light soil or cow dung manure after sowing it at a depth of four to five cm.

 You will also get good profits in ginger cultivation because ginger crop is ready in about 8 to 9 months. The average yield of ginger is 150 to 200 quintals per hectare. 120 quintals of ginger are grown in 1 acre. About 7 8 lakh rupees are also spent in the cultivation of ginger in one hectare.

 Now let’s talk about profits. If you cultivate ginger in one hectare, then it produces about 150 to 200 quintals. The price of ginger in the market is about 80 rupees per kg. If you sell even 50 to 60 rupees, then suppose you will earn 25 lakh rupees from one hectare. Even after removing all the expenses, you will have a profit of Rs 15 lakh.

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